Tag: best car insurance

What is an Insurance Limit?

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Insurance policies are essential to secure people financially in case anything happens to one’s property or on one’s health. Insurance plans will serve as lifesavers for the insured since they will not have to pay out of their pockets as long as they have the necessary coverage for what they endured. No matter the type of policy one has and its coverages, people will not enjoy their insurance limitlessly since…

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How to Estimate My Car Insurance Cost Before Buying a Car [INFOGRAPHIC]

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How to Estimate My Car Insurance Cost Before Buying a Car-01

Buying a car alone is already riddled with many complications since there are many models out there, and there’s the case of whether one should purchase either a brand-new one or a second-hand one. Then there’s also the matter of insurance cost, which can also affect a car buyer’s decision-making when getting a new car. Getting car insurance is essential to ensure that the car owner is financially protected in…

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6 Reasons Why Dash Cams are Important for Car Insurance Claims [Infographic]

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6 Reasons Why Dash Cams are Important for Car Insurance Claims-01

More and more drivers are getting caught in traffic accidents nowadays, and many victims have a hard time settling insurance claims since the driver at fault can’t be determined as both drivers give out conflicting stories on how the accident happened. Fortunately, dash cameras are gaining popularity today since they can record various scenes, including memories of the trip, unexpected events, car accidents, and any acts or potential acts of…

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Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

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Buying appropriate auto insurance is an integral step towards being a responsible car owner. Though getting involved in a road accident is the last thing that a driver wants, it’s better to be always prepared in case something unexpected happens. Car insurance can help offset the financial losses incurred by the holder during specific incidents. However, many people today tend to believe several misconceptions about availing car insurance. Some might…

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Ichoose.ph Hub now open for business at SM Center Las Pinas

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ichoose.ph official photo 1

iChoose.ph  the leading car insurance comparison site in the Philippines has just opened its first hub at SM Center Las Pinas. It is now open for business at the mall hours from 9 am to 9 pm Mondays to Sundays. People can now buy various insurance products at SM Center Las Pinas from car comprehensive insurance, CTPL insurance, Home Insurance, Health Insurance, Personal Accident, etc It will be manned by a…

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Tips for Finding the Right Car Insurance Policy [Infographic]

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Tips for finding the right car insurance policy featured image

Having your vehicles insured should be one of your top priority as a car owner. Since nobody knows when will accidents and unfortunate events happen, it is important that you come prepared. While some may say that car insurances are expensive and unnecessary spending, it is actually one way of reducing car expenses in the long run. Because of its intimidating terms and an overwhelming amount of details and information,…

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How to Choose the Best Car Insurance

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best car insurance

  A lot of people have purchased a vehicle in 2015. However, let’s admit that part of our culture is our aversion to worst-case scenarios. If you’ll look at the data pertaining to the insurance industry’s market penetration rate in the Philippines, this proves that your average Juan Dela Cruz isn’t so used on purchasing an insurance product. How exactly do you get the best car insurance if you are…

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Red Flags You Are Not Buying The Right Car Insurance

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Red Flags You Are Not Buying The Right Car Insurance

Having a car is more than just luxury for a lot of individuals today. Given the ailing public transport system in the Philippines, a private vehicle means getting from point A to point B with your very own personal space. But of course, you have to deal with a number of things as well. You have to consider not only the cost of having your very own car. You also…

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