Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

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Buying appropriate auto insurance is an integral step towards being a responsible car owner. Though getting involved in a road accident is the last thing that a driver wants, it’s better to be always prepared in case something unexpected happens. Car insurance can help offset the financial losses incurred by the holder during specific incidents.

However, many people today tend to believe several misconceptions about availing car insurance. Some might say that it’s going to be quite an expensive investment as a result of owning a vehicle, but it’s not typically the case. As long as you know certain methods that can aid you in affording car insurance without burning too much money out of your pocket, you’re basically don’t have to worry about such thing.

This article will share five of the best ways to save money on car insurance:

Compare the best and cheapest car insurance around

Car insurance providers often provide varying rates depending on the coverage and the policies they have. While this may sound like a no brainer to you, the first thing that you need to do if you wanted to save money on auto insurance is to find the cheapest but suitable insurer for your car. You can ask for quotes from multiple companies and compare them to each other, or you can browse the net for sites that offer information about the best and cheapest car insurance policies for free.

Watch out for any car insurance discounts

In order to attract more clients, it became commonplace for most car insurance providers to offer discounts every now and then. It may lower down a car insurance premium if you have the initiative to ask your agent to see if there are any car insurance discounts currently available.

Raise the deductible

Though this method can be a bit risky once you filed a claim, increasing the deductible (the amount the insurance company won’t cover in the event of repairs) is another excellent way of lowering the premium costs. But always keep in mind that you will need to have enough money to pay such deductible once you happened to file a claim.

Practice cautious driving

Committing traffic violations can affect both your driving record and insurance premium. Your rates will start to elevate depending on the type of violation you did as well as your insurance provider. It’s better to avoid getting yourself in trouble with the enforcers if you really wanted to save some money on car insurance.

Buy a car with a low insurance rate

Even the model of your car plays a crucial role in how much you have to spend on your insurance premium. That’s why it is very important for any aspiring car owners to pay considerable attention to what type or model they prefer. Vehicles that possess average prices and are designed to keep their passengers safe such as SUVs and minivans tend to get cheaper insurance premiums. On the other hand, fast and expensive cars often fall on models that can be very costly to insure.



Author: erwin reyes

Erwin has a combined experience of more than 15 years in the car insurance industry in the Philippines and Australia. Loves cars and enjoys to sourcing out great deals for its clients