Tag: benefits of car insurance

iChoose.ph Announcement

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Dear Clients and Partners, In view of the outbreak of the COVID-19, we would like to inform you that we have taken steps to continue our services despite this pandemic worldwide crisis. Accordingly, in compliance with the Luzon wide enhanced community quarantine and social distancing, Ichoose Insurance Agency decided to activate our Work from Home capability as part of our Business continuity plan effective March 17, 2020. More than 90%…

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What is an Insurance Limit?

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Insurance policies are essential to secure people financially in case anything happens to one’s property or on one’s health. Insurance plans will serve as lifesavers for the insured since they will not have to pay out of their pockets as long as they have the necessary coverage for what they endured. No matter the type of policy one has and its coverages, people will not enjoy their insurance limitlessly since…

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Insurable Interest Effect On Motorcar Insurance

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Insurable interest featured image

Insurance policies are not only meant for individuals who want to protect themselves or their properties from any possible dangers or losses, but also for other people and items. Insurable interest enters the stage, allowing one to insure a property owned by another entity. Insurable interest is a vital requirement for insurance policies issued to protect an individual from financial loss should another person or item be lost or damaged….

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Why Filipinos Need Acts of God Coverage?

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The Philippines has always been the site of many disastrous natural calamities that has affected countless lives and damaged multitudes of properties, with the most recent one being the eruption of Taal last January 12, 2020. Due to the frequency of the various calamities, it would seem like a no-brainer to get covered for Acts of God or Acts of Nature. Many car owners have already gone to get their…

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Common Car Insurance Mistakes Filipinos Make [nfographic]

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Common Car Insurance Mistakes Filipinos Make-01

Getting your car insured is vital in ensuring that you are financially protected should anything happen to your vehicle. One could say that an insured car’s owner is a responsible driver since it keeps the driver prepared if unexpected damages occur. Unfortunately, only a small number of Filipinos are equipped with the right insurance plan for their cars. A lot of Filipinos see car insurance as another expense that they’d…

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6 Reasons Why Dash Cams are Important for Car Insurance Claims [Infographic]

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6 Reasons Why Dash Cams are Important for Car Insurance Claims-01

More and more drivers are getting caught in traffic accidents nowadays, and many victims have a hard time settling insurance claims since the driver at fault can’t be determined as both drivers give out conflicting stories on how the accident happened. Fortunately, dash cameras are gaining popularity today since they can record various scenes, including memories of the trip, unexpected events, car accidents, and any acts or potential acts of…

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Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

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Buying appropriate auto insurance is an integral step towards being a responsible car owner. Though getting involved in a road accident is the last thing that a driver wants, it’s better to be always prepared in case something unexpected happens. Car insurance can help offset the financial losses incurred by the holder during specific incidents. However, many people today tend to believe several misconceptions about availing car insurance. Some might…

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What does it Mean: No Additional Excise Tax for Automobiles this 2019 Under TRAIN Law [Infographic]

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What does it Mean_No Additional Excise Tax for Automobiles ft

Most people who are about to buy new automobiles are afraid of the “excise tax” that they will need to pay. Luckily, in 2019, this should no longer deter anyone who is planning to buy a car in the Philippines because of the no additional tax under TRAIN Law. When the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law was approved in 2018, it immediately caused the fuel prices to…

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Three Main Benefits of Securing Yourself a Car Insurance

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Insurance agent working on car accident claim process

Car insurance, also known as auto insurance is an arrangement or contract between a car owner and an insurance company which provides a guarantee of compensation in the event of unexpected cases such as accidents or theft. It serves as primary protection for any possible financial losses the owner might acquire. In countries like the Philippines, having a specific type of auto insurance is compulsory as it was mandated with…

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Importance of Auto Insurance for Families

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Happy young family driving in their car looking to camera

One of the traits that’s truly imbedded in the Filipino characteristics is being family oriented. For parents, nothing is more important than the safety, convenience, and the comfort of their children, especially when travelling on the road. Did you know that most car owners in the Philippines know that having their cars insured is important, yet neglect getting insurance policies for their vehicles? Imagine driving with around two million vehicles…

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