Tag: health insurance

Everything You Need to Know About Insurance Claims

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The concept of insurance is to provide financial protection from unforeseen events that might cause loss or damage. The premium, which is the agreed price that the insured has to pay is accumulated in a pool from which the insurer is entitled to use for obtaining payment for claims. Policyholders may choose what type of option they prefer when paying for insurance premiums depending on their insurance provider. Some of…

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Four Insurance Coverages You Must Have This Monsoon Season

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For the Philippines, monsoon can either be a delightful season or a harmful one. Rains bring respite from months of intense heat, but they may also leave losses from destructive storms and downpours. Joint problems may include engine problems for vehicles stuck in floods, excessive damage to properties, and even water-borne or viral diseases breaking out. Monsoon is yet another season that one needs to prepare for financially. To prevent…

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Debunking the Most Common Myths and Misconceptions About Health Insurance

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Many Filipinos have Philhealth, a universal health coverage system in the Philippines designed to help pay for the sick’s care and provide accessible healthcare for all the Philippines’ citizens. However, it might be best to purchase private health insurance policies to cover the needs adequately, given the differences in circumstances. Having health insurance is an absolute must for everyone. Yet, many still choose not to avail of a policy as…

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Importance of Health Insurance in PH, Especially in Coronavirus Pandemic

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Importance of Health Insurance in PH, Especially in Coronavirus Pandemic featured image ichoose.ph importance health insurance

The coronavirus pandemic has seen many people struggle as they lose their jobs, close their businesses, or, worse, succumbing to the virus. It has also seen how people underinvested in insurances, such as health insurance and life insurance, giving people a hard time when faced with a financial burden. Having insurance can help you cover financial compensations for loss, damage, illness, or death. Availing health insurance Ph plan can help…

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Lessons from Coronavirus: How to Maintain Your Health [Infographic]

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The number of COVID-19-positive individuals in the Philippines has increased during the quarantine periods, and many people may have been discouraged as they see the latest news updates. It might seem reasonable for people to worry today, but they shouldn’t forget to maintain their health amidst the pandemic. Staying healthy is essential to fight off not only the coronavirus but also other common illnesses that people can get. Some might…

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Why Work from Home Employees Need Health Insurance

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Why Work from Home Employees Need Health Insurance featured image

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people were forced to work from their homes to make a living. Some became instant remote employees when their employers had them work remotely while others had to look for jobs as virtual assistants or freelancers. Working from home is not necessarily less-stressful than working in the office. Remote employees tend to get distracted more frequently at home. They can get stressed out from…

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Comparing Health Insurance in the Philippines for the New Normal

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The coronavirus pandemic resulted in the derailment of the Philippines’ plan to expand the health care services it provides to its citizens. The COVID-19 took a toll on the country’s economy as well as kept it from providing adequate health services after decades of underinvesting on medical care. While the country itself might have some shortcomings on its health care services, there’s no excuse for a Filipino to remain uninsured…

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What is an Insurance Limit?

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Insurance policies are essential to secure people financially in case anything happens to one’s property or on one’s health. Insurance plans will serve as lifesavers for the insured since they will not have to pay out of their pockets as long as they have the necessary coverage for what they endured. No matter the type of policy one has and its coverages, people will not enjoy their insurance limitlessly since…

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Know About Insurable Interest

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Nobody in the world is getting any younger, and one can say that the world is getting more dangerous as the days go by. Some people might be superstitious and not want to invite trouble by getting insured, but there’s no doubt that life insurance is beneficial for those who’ll be left behind. Getting life insurance is an excellent way to protect one’s loved ones from any financial difficulties they…

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Why You Need to Get Health Insurance When You Already Have HMO [Infographic]

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Securing one’s health is essential as it allows an individual to work and enjoy life to the fullest. Should anyone suffer from illnesses and get hospitalized, they’re bound to exhaust their finances with various medical bills. Companies can provide some measure of protection with health maintenance organizations or HMO benefits to their employees, and others can rely on Philippine Health Insurance Corporation or PhilHealth. Private companies can offer HMO benefits…

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