Tag: Philippines

Insurance Industry Trends for 2021

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The past year has various industries suffering from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The insurance industry is no exception as it has to deal with several issues relating to business continuity, services, and operational profit. All of which are highly disruptive, prompting insurers to strive and adapt to profound changes. People can only predict what 2021 can bring, but one thing is for sure, we live in a world…

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How to Compare Car Insurance [Infographic]

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How to Compare Car Insurance in the Philippines featured image ichoose.ph

Every Filipino car owner needs to secure themselves with insurance so they won’t have to pay significant amounts after an accident or lose their vehicle. CTPL insurance Philippines is a car insurance plan that every Filipino car owner must have as mandated by law. Everyone must have one before they can register their vehicles to the Land Transportation Office. CTPL is not enough to cover all the expenses since it…

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Lessons from Coronavirus: How to Maintain Your Health [Infographic]

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Lessons from Coronavirus How to Maintain Your Health featured image

The number of COVID-19-positive individuals in the Philippines has increased during the quarantine periods, and many people may have been discouraged as they see the latest news updates. It might seem reasonable for people to worry today, but they shouldn’t forget to maintain their health amidst the pandemic. Staying healthy is essential to fight off not only the coronavirus but also other common illnesses that people can get. Some might…

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Why Work from Home Employees Need Health Insurance

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Why Work from Home Employees Need Health Insurance featured image

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people were forced to work from their homes to make a living. Some became instant remote employees when their employers had them work remotely while others had to look for jobs as virtual assistants or freelancers. Working from home is not necessarily less-stressful than working in the office. Remote employees tend to get distracted more frequently at home. They can get stressed out from…

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Importance of Getting CTPL Insurance in the Philippines

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Importance of Getting CTPL Insurance in the Philippines featured image

The Compulsory Third Party Liability insurance or CTPL is a basic car insurance plan that every Filipino car owner must have before registering their cars to the Land Transportation Office. CTPL covers a driver’s liabilities in case of an accident that injures or kills the third party. Every Filipino who owns a vehicle, including trucks and motorcycles, must have CTPL insurance. The 4th leading cause of death in the Philippines…

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Lessons from Coronavirus: Why Car and Motorcycle Insurance is Vital in the Philippines [Infographic]

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Lessons from Coronavirus Why Car and Motorcycle Insurance is Vital in the Philippines featured image

Many people worldwide realized the importance of staying healthy amidst the coronavirus pandemic since it is one of the sure ways to avoid contracting diseases. People purchased vitamins of all sorts to keep healthy, and others may have started comparing health insurance as they realized its importance for the new normal. The pandemic showed how vital insurance is in the Philippines since they can reduce one’s overall expenses for anything…

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Comparing Health Insurance in the Philippines for the New Normal

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The coronavirus pandemic resulted in the derailment of the Philippines’ plan to expand the health care services it provides to its citizens. The COVID-19 took a toll on the country’s economy as well as kept it from providing adequate health services after decades of underinvesting on medical care. While the country itself might have some shortcomings on its health care services, there’s no excuse for a Filipino to remain uninsured…

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Lessons from Coronavirus: Importance of Insurance in the Philippines [Infographic]

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Lessons from Coronavirus Importance of Insurance in the Philippines featured image

The coronavirus pandemic has affected nearly the entire world as almost 4 million individuals were infected with the virus, and around 200,000 died as a result. Many people became conscious of their health, and countless businesses were forced to close down or shift to a work-from-home setup. Many people realized that health is indeed wealth, and they’re already keeping themselves as healthy as possible to avoid contracting the disease. Electrical…

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Top 20 Non-Life Insurance Companies in the Philippines [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Top 20 Non-Life Insurance Companies in the Philippines featured image

Many non-life insurance companies are operating in the Philippines, and they are all competing to lead the country’s insurance industry. The leading company will have more renown as its clients continue to rely on their excellent services. Many people look at the cost of an insurance company’s services when deciding whether or not to get insured. Those who can afford insurance won’t see price as an issue, but will likely…

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Why Fire Insurance is Important in the Philippines [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Why Fire Insurance is Important in the Philippines featured image

The Philippines is notorious for the frequency of fires that occur all across the country, and that the number of fires increases every March, the Fire Prevention Month.  The Bureau of Fire Protection recorded a total of 83,199 cases of fires occurring from the year 2014 to 2018. There is an average of around 16,640 fire incidents occurring every year or 45 fires a day. The significant number of fires…

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